June Shoot & Special September Shoot Announcement
The June Ocoee Rangers Shoot was, believe it or not, the 1st official summer shoot. To celebrate, 74 shooters ventured out to unleash their shootin’ irons and do battle with the clang gang, the steel targets. According to informed sources, it was cloudy a large part of the day, drizzled a bit, but not enough to get wet, and the sun shined a little. On the range, each stage had 6 shotgun targets, 3 pistol targets and 3 rifle targets. Judge’m All Duncan shot his 1st match, after a being out for medical reasons for a spell, and Tenn Smoke was back after an accidental injury, shooting with no misses. Someone said that Too Tall had to be corrected. He saw Tio Don decked out in his patriotic outfit, took off his hat, put hand over heart and insisted on saying the Pledge to the Flag. A meandering cowpoke had to inform the little gentleman that Tio Don was not a flag. Oh yes, Cooper, grandson of Roma Jane and Long Gulch, shot his 1st Ocoee Rangers match as a Buckaroo, with able competition from fellow Buckaroo, Vicious Nick, Slater’s pardner.
When the smoke cleared, and Too Tall was finally convinced that Tio Don wasn’t a flag, Unpleasant emerged as the TOP GUN, and Anita Margarita was the Top Lady Shooter. The Top 10 Shooters were (1) Unpleasant (2) Hurricane Charly (3) Widowmaker (4) Slater (5) Ocoee Red (6) Cumberland Drifter (7) Barkeep Casey (8) Marshal Too Tall (9) Clancy O’Connal and (10) Happy Pappy. 27 shooters shot 5 stages with no misses, including D.Q. Jones, who hasn’t been with us in a long while, and Garnett Gal, who shot her 1st Ocoee Rangers match.
Martin Harrod, known to us Ocoee Rangers as “John Daniel”, rode into the sunset on Saturday, June 7. Marty was a member of the Cleveland Hunting Rifle & Pistol Club and was working on a Range Work Day. He left his work group to go to his truck for gas for a chainsaw and was found sometime later laying in the woods. CPR was initiated, and EMT’s arrived and took him to the hospital, but he didn’t make it. “John Daniel” shot with us from 2005 through part of 2007.
Adios, Pardner.
Lead Mine Valley Shoot-Out!
September 27, 2014
The Ocoee Rangers’ September Shoot will be a bit different, or special, depending upon your choice of descriptions. Here’s a bit of a description of what’s planned, or what’s attempted:
- We’ll shoot 5 or 6 fast-moving stages … Unpleasant will write the stages
- Scoring will be electronic, on-the-range. … That means that certificates will be awarded at the conclusion of the shoot. They won’t have shooter names or photos, but they’ll recognize winners on the day of the shoot.
- Special Awards
- The Best Dressed Lady and the Best Dressed Gent will be awarded certificates … Planners still have to determine how they will be selected.
- Spirit of the Game Certificates will be awarded for 1 person on each Posse …. Planners will explain to Posse Leaders how this will be done
- Meal … The person who catered the Christmas Shoot meal will provide after-shoot meals of hamburgers & hotdogs (Dutch treat … Too Tall, that means you pay for your own.) … We need to know in advance if you plan to attend and if anyone else will attend with you, so we can plan on having enough food. On shoot day, shooters will pay for their meals at the time they register.
- Shooting Categories ….. The following shooting categories will be recognized:
- Buckaroo … Boys & Girls shoot together
- Young Gun … Boys & Girls shoot together
- Cowboy
- Cowgirl
- Wrangler
- Lady Wrangler
- 49er
- Lady 49er
- Senior
- Lady Senior
- Silver Senior
- Lady Silver Senior
- Elder Statesman
- Cattle Baron
- Duelist
- Senior Duelist
- Double Duelist
- Gunfighter
- Senior Gunfighter
- Outlaw … (Outlaws must shoot pistols one-handed)
- B-Western
- Lady B-Western
- Event Planners … The planners for the LEADMINE VALLEY SHOOT-OUT! are Purly, Fast Harley, Pleasant and Ocoee Red
How will folks know about this event? Mostly the old-fashion-way: they will hear someone talking about it, or someone will tell them about it. ………… BINGO! …. That means we need you to tell people you know who are Cowboy & Cowgirl Shooters about the event and encourage them to come out and shoot with us.
At the June Shoot, we had a practice run using the electronic score keeping system. We used that system and our normal paper scoring system as we practiced. It worked and worked well. The system and equipment belongs to Tombstone, who generously allowed us to use his equipment in practice and for the LEADMINE VALLEY SHOOT-OUT! in September.
Make plans to come shoot in September and participate in the
Are you having ladies duelist? Figured you probably were, but needed to ask. If so then Whiskey Creek[outlaw] and I will be there. Only he will eat. Thanks, I.M.
Oops, didn’t pay attention to this being a comment page. Comment-you ladies look beautiful!