The Rumor Was That Marshal Too Tall Would Shoot Buckaroo
Sometimes rumors pop up. Sometimes they’re true, and sometimes there’re not. At the July shoot, someone said he heard a rumor that Too Tall was going to shoot Buckaroo. Too Tall’s reasoning? Well, he shoots .32 caliber pistols, and that’s not but a smidgen different than .22’s. And he’d never shot as a Buckaroo, so, it would be a new experience. And he’d seen that Cooper Thompson, who shot Buckaroo in June, was present. With 2 shooters in the category, the winner would get a certificate. And Too Tall was convinced that he could shoot faster than Cooper, if he tried real hard. (Everyone knows that Too Tall is a competitive gent, so, he’d try real hard.) But then the bubble burst. Cooper didn’t register to shoot. What’s the sense of shooting in a category if there’s no competition. So, Too Tall shot as a Senior, instead of a Buckaroo.
Was the rumor true? Remember, the West is part fact and part legend. So are Ocoee Rangers tales.
73 shooters participated in the July Shoot, and it was a dilly. This word scratcher picks on Too Tall occasionally, but the little gent placed 3rd overall. Unpleasant was the Top Gun, and Anita Margarita was the Top Lady Shooter. The Top 10 Shooters were (1) Unpleasant, (2) Purly (3) Marshal Too Tall, (4) Sean Clancy O’Conall, (5) Polecat Carl, (6) Hurricane Charly, (7) Branchwater Jack, (8) Slater, (9) Widowmaker and (10) Anita Margarita. 23 shooters shot matches with no misses, including 6 of the Top 10 Shooters. Miss Kitty Kat shot her 2nd consecutive No Misses Match.
Don’t forget, the September Shoot will be a special event, the LEADMINE VALLY SHOOT-OUT! The shooting classes have changed a bit since last month’s notice. They’re almost like a regular monthly shoot. There will be an after shoot meal ($6 per person). If you plan to attend, and we really hope you will, please contact Purly, and pay for your meal in advance. It’ll help with planning with the cook and make registration simpler in September. We’ll give certificates for Best Dressed Lady and Best Dressed Gent. And there will be a cowboy yard-sale. If you’ve got something you’ve outgrown or haven’t used or just want to move along, bring it and join the bazaar. Oh yes, there will be door prizes given at the Shoot-Out. The date, September 27th. Invite your cowboy & cowgirl shooting friends to come, if you have friends. If you don’t, come out and shoot and make some friends.
Ocoee Red & Pleasant Receive SASS Regulator Badges
On July 19, 2014, at the Black Gold shoot at Manchester, KY, Pleasant and Ocoee Red were presented SASS Regulator Badges by Judge’m All Duncan, Last Kiss and Fast Harley.
Both Ocoee Red and Pleasant were in the group that originally founded the Ocoee Rangers. Both have been SASS members and Cowboy Action Shooters for years, even before the Ocoee Rangers were organized. Since its inception, Ocoee Red had been the Captain of the Ocoee Rangers (CHRPC Cowboy Shooting Committee Chairman), and Pleasant has been the Territorial Governor. Both participate in Cowboy shooting at other locations, travel to distant shoots, have gotten family members and others involved in Cowboy Shooting, and actively demonstrate the best qualities of Cowboy & Cowgirl Action Shooters.
Congratulations, cowboys!
………. SHOOT RESULTS: ……….
TOP GUN: Unpleasant …..
TOP LADY SHOOTER: Anita Margarita
.22 Cal: Jackson Longstreet
Long Range Rifle – Rifle Caliber: Jackson Longstreet
Long Range Rifle – Pistol Caliber: Unpleasant
Long Range Pistol: Unpleasant
Cowboy: (1) Unpleasant (2) Hurricane Charly
Lady B-Western: Dodge City Dixie
B-Western: (1) Polecat Carl (2) Steely I. Justice
Classic Cowboy: (1) El Paso Slim
Cattle Baron: (1) Tabasco JOT (2) Papa Dave (3) Linc
Cattle Baron Gunfighter: (1) Tenn Critr
Elder Statesman: (1) Tin Pot (2) Wildcat Wilkey (3) Rev. Adam Jones
Elder Statesman Duelist: (1) Horseshoe John
Elder Statesman Double Duelist: (1) Hoss Carpenter
Lady Silver Senior: (1) Two Step Net
Silver Senior: (1) Frank Canton (2) Delta Desperado (3) Deadman
Silver Senior Double Duelist: (1) Pop Dawson
Silver Senior Gunfighter: (1) T-Bone Angus
Lady Senior: (1) Roma Jane (2) Cotton Ginnie
Senior: (1) Purly (2) Marshal Too Tall (3) Ocoee Red
Senior Duelist: (1) Tucson Tuco
Senior Double Duelist: (1) Double Eagle (2) Sequatchie Slim
Senior Gunfighter: (1) Yankee Dutchman (2) Keystone (3) Sudden Sam
Lady 49er: (1) Lulu McGoo (2) Miss Kitty Kat (3) Shez A Pistol
49er: (1) Happy Pappy (2) Iron Horse Dan
Lady Wrangler: (1) Anita Margarita
Wrangler: (1) Jackson Longstreet (2) Hide Cutter (3) Bad Arm Slim
Duelist: (1) River Jordan (2) Ranger Roger (3) Lucky Lightburne
Frontier Cartridge Duelist: (1) Long Gulch
Gunfighter: (1) Clancy O’Conall (2) Slater (2) Widowmaker
Frontier Cartridge Gunfighter: (1) Branchwater Jack
Outlaw: (1) Loose Cinch (2) Jackalope (3) Fast Harley