The Ocoee Rangers Newsletter Vol. 15 Issue No. 6 June 2017
Posted by Deadman in NewsletterNope, It Didn’t Rain
It didn’t rain during the June shoot. Yeah, it rained considerably the night and early morning before. But not during the shoot. Attendance was down a bit. Only 44 shooters participated. Some were attending the SASS End Of Trail Shoot, and others? They just weren’t there for various reasons. But Last Kiss was back, after a long absence for health reasons. That was good. And Tar Heel was back. He apparently was lost in some deep, dark jungle and finally found his way out and returned. Good for him. And Dead Lee Shooter was back. Also good.
What happened during the shoot? Well, 43% of shooters shot with no misses. 5 of the Top 10 Shooters shot some form of Gunfighter. 3 of the 5 Lady shooters shot some form of Gunfighter.
Commenting about the Buffalo Shoot, Too Tall had this to say. “(Sudden) Sam is doing well in the 100 yard pistol caliber match with his Henry rifle and has become a real competitor in this discipline.” Yankee Dutchman won the Long Range Rifle – Rifle Cal. event. Sudden Sam captured the Long Range Rifle – Pistol Cal. competition. Marshal Too Tall was the top .22 Cal. shooter with both pistol and rifle.
The Top Gun was Hurricane Charly, closely followed by Ocoee Red. LuLu McGoo was the Top Lady Shooter. The Top 10 Shooters were (1) Hurricane Charly (2) Ocoee Red (3) Barkeep Casey (4) Marshal Too Tall (5) Kid Ziggy (6) Black Jack Lee (7) Dead Lee Shooter (8) Slater (9) Pleasant and (10) Tombstone.
Top Gun: Hurricane Charly ….. Top Lady Shooter: LuLu McGoo
Lady Buckaroo: (1) Cowgirl Casey
Cowboy: (1) Hurricane Charly (2) Black Jack Lee
Wrangler: (1) Barkeep Casey
Lady 49er: (1) LuLu McGoo
49er: (1) Polecat Carl
Senior: (1) Happy Pappy (2) Montana Colt (3) Dirtwater Fox
Silver Senior: (1) Ocoee Red (2) Marshal Too Tall
Elder Statesman: (1) T-Bone Angus (2) Colonel Mortimer
Cattle Baron: (1) Granpa Dillon (2) Wildcat Wilkey
Classic: (1) Smokin’ Dave
Frontier: (1) Long Gulch
Duelist: (1) Tin Pot
Elder Statesman Duelist: (1) Horseshoe John (2) Shenandoah Will
Silver SR Double Duelist: (1) Double Eagle (2) Sudden Sam
Gunfighter: (1) Dead Lee Shooter (2) Slater (3) Pleasant
Lady SR. Gunfighter: (1) Miss Kitty Kat (2) Mrs. Pleasant
SR Gunfighter: (1) Kid Ziggy (2) Keystone (3) Yankee Dutchman
Elder Statesman Gunfighter: (1) El Carrera
Cattle Baron Gunfighter: (1) Tenn Critr
Frontier Cart. Gunfighter: (1) Outcast (2) Mongo
Outlaw: (1) Curly Bill (2) Fast Harley (3) Tio Don
600 Cowgirl and Cowboy Shooters registered to shoot in the SASS 2017 End of Trail World Championship Cowboy Action Shoot, and 582 showed up and participated. In that 582 were some faces familiar to many or most Ocoee Rangers shooters:
Dodge City Dixie …. Reno Mustang …… Randy Saint Eagle … Papa Dave
Dirty Redd …………… Tombstone John ….. Two Step Net ………. Purly …… Saddle Burr Jack

End Of Trail Gang, L-R: Tombstone John, Randy Saint Eagle, Dodge City Dixie, Reno Mustang, Two Step Net, Purly, And Papa Dave
Randy Saint Eagle had this to say after the 1st day’s shooting was complete. “The first day of the main match is over. It was around 100 degrees when we started this afternoon. We’re having fun and seeing lots of folks.” Commenting about announcements and possible adventures, Randy said, “They also announced to look in Porta potties before you step in. They’ve found rattlesnakes in 2 of them.”
End of Trail isn’t just a shoot. Like what’s said about the Army, “It’s an adventure.” Randy Saint Eagle’s rattlesnakes are an example. Those who’ve attended End of Trail will tell you that you run into lots of interesting sights and vendors and products. Purly had such an adventure / experience, as shown below. He either encountered an Indian in old west attire, with lots of feathers, or he captured some gigantic bird for dinner.
When all the shooting was finished, Dodge City Dixie, from among our august group of shooters, placed highest in overall ranking. She also placed 2nd overall in the Lady Senior category. Randy Saint Eagle was the No. 1 / World Champion Senior Duelist. Papa Dave was the No. 1 / World Champion Grand Patron shooter, and he also shot the End of Trail match with no misses. How ’bout that? 21.8% of the 582 shooters shot with no misses. Papa Dave was in a select group.
How did our gang place overall? Well, here are the results:
Dodge City Dixie ….. 105
Randy Saint Eagle ….. 114
Purly ………………. 132
Papa Dave ….. 190
Reno Mustang ……… 226
Two Step Net ………….. 360
Tombstone John … 363
Saddle Burr Jack ….. 438
Dirty Redd ……………… 499
Every little ditty like this article, needs a closing comment or end of story. Here are a couple of appropriate comments:
Randy Saint Eagle, commenting about End Of Trail said, “If you get a chance, you should go. I don’t think you’ll regret it.”